- $4 coral skirt from Gap that's the most comfortable thing EVER
- Birthday bracelet from my husband :)
- A mom I met when handing out flyers for VBS at Green Lake showed up with her son today
- Ezra walking up to the rocking chair in his room, rocking it, and singing softly
- Ezra really starting to use his "please" sign
- Ezra back in G Diapers now that they have a reusable insert
- Stella telling me that she has "hear ears"and will listen to me
- Whitney arrives next Saturday!
- Ezra's birthday is Monday
- I'm back in ballet classes... a really long story that I will have to post about when I'm ready
- Ezra's 8th ear infection in 7months. We're going to Children's next month to do a surgical consultation. (that last part is good; maybe we can see an end to these ear infections...)
- Ezra screaming for an hour at home with Dad while I tried to go out to get my VBS room set up
- Less than 12 kids showing up for VBS. I have hope for Monday, but right now this fact feels sad
- Yo' Mama (just kidding, but I had to have *something* in the "ugly" category)