OK! Here are some random pictures that I've been wanting to show all of you. I haven't taken a good picture of the Speck ring yet, but I'll get that on here soon.
This is Chuckanucka. He is an "uglydoll" and is blessed to be my first toy purchase for Spudkin. I've always sort of like these uglydolls, and then Rib and I discovered Chuckanucka. A while ago I started calling Brendan "Chuckanuck." I don't remember how it came about, but there you go. So, naturally when we discovered Chuckanucka, I knew I had to get him. He came with a little story that describes how he's always anxious and worried about things... that'll be fun. I'm hoping that maybe Spud will tell me what he/she's concerned or thinking about on her own, but if I can't get it out... maybe she'll tell me what chuckanucka is stressed about :) And, it's cute. Brendan already made me cry because the day that our fire alarm went off in the building Brendan told me that I better check on Chuckanucka because he was worried that it was his fault and there weren't any grownups home to take care of him! So mean to do to a pregnant lady! Of course, reality occured to me pretty quick... he's not real! I don't want Spud to have tons of toys, but I just had to get this.
In honor of Nathan's upcoming birthday (same day as my mom's!), here's a picture of him with his card from us at the last birthday. Wish I could be with all my February 1st birthday friends this year!
Yeah, I graduated. I don't know if many people have seen any of these pictures. This was the worst day of my miscarriage, so I think I look a little piqued. Still, I'm thankful that I have my degree.

I've wanted to put this up for a long time! This is Kelsie and me at the last gypsy party. We were the only ones dancing for a little while, so we decided to sport some of the old moves! This one's for you, Beth! We're doing your knee swivel dance! Spud's in there.
Yeah, this is sort of gross, but I think it's hilarious. This is a picture of what the back of Spud looked like right at the time of Thanksgiving... he/she's wearing her turkey costume! Looks almost just like the real thing :)
Sorry it's sideways!!! I'm terrible at rotating these... cuz I don't know how. I'm inept b/c Brendan always does everything for me, but I'm not complaining. Anyway, this is the beginning of week 17. I'm halfway through 18 right now. Notice my bird painting in the background; Brendan got that for me back in September. It's our first "real" art purchase.
A close-up of the belly.
This is the wreath I made at Christmas with grapevines from the Ribera Sr.'s back yard.
Hope you enjoyed. I wish I was better about pictures; maybe I'll try.
Hope you enjoyed. I wish I was better about pictures; maybe I'll try.